Can You Use Sewing Needles for Stick and Poke?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: September 22, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

When most people think of tattoos, they think of needles stabbing into someone’s skin repeatedly to create an image. What if you could use a sewing needle instead? Stick and poke tattoos are a growing trend, and many people choose this method because it is less invasive and results in less pain. So, can you use sewing needles for stick and poke? Keep reading to learn more!

Yes, you can use sewing needles for stick and poke. However, it is important that you take proper precautions. Sewing needles are perfect for stick and poke since they are sharp, usually already sterilized, and it’s pretty easy to find.

In this article, I will talk about everything that you need to know about using sewing needles for stick and poke. Aside from that, I will also talk about what stick and poke as well as the main difference between stick and poke and tattoo.

Can You Use Sewing Needles for Stick and Poke?

Now, the million-dollar question: is sewing needles a great tool for stick and poke? The answer is yes, but with a few precautions.

The sewing needle is an excellent choice for stick and poke because it’s sharp, easy to find, and usually already sterilized. However, you should keep a few things in mind before using one.

First, make sure that the needle is clean and sterilized before use. You can do this by boiling the needle in water for at least five minutes. This is important because we don’t want you to get infected or sick due to dirty needles. So before using it, disinfecting and sterilizing your sewing needles is the best thing to do.

Second, you’ll want to use a needle that is as thin as possible. This will minimize the damage to your skin and make the tattoo less painful. This means you should use a finer gauge needle, such as a size five or six. Needles bigger than that are a no-no since they won’t work the way you expected them to.

Third, when you’re ready to start poking, dip the needle in ink and then poke it into your skin. You’ll want to do this at a shallow angle, so the ink doesn’t go too deep into your skin. After each poke, clean the needle before dipping it in ink again.

Lastly, remember that a stick and poke tattoo will take longer to heal than a professional tattoo. This is because the ink is only in the top layer of your skin, so it will take some time for your body to push the ink down into the lower layers. This means that you must be careful not to irritate your skin during the healing process, which can take up to four weeks.

Always follow these tips so that you can stick and poke with sewing needles without any hassles.

Stick and Poke Explained

Stick and poke is a form of body modification that involves using a needle to create a hole in your skin and then using ink to inject color into the hole. The term “sticking” refers to the act of inserting the needle, while “poking” refers to the act of injecting ink.

The practice of stick and poke has existed for centuries. Still, it was popularized by punk culture in the 1970s and 1980s when it was used as a way for people to express themselves through body art. Today, it’s become a popular alternative for people who don’t want to deal with the pain or risk of getting professional tattoos.

Stick and Poke

Stick and poke is also one of the simplest forms of body modification — no special tools or skills are required. You need an old-fashioned sewing needle, some ink, and some patience.

How Stick and Poke Works

In the same way, tattoos are permanent. So too, is the process of getting a stick and poke tattoo. Even if you remove your tattoo, the ink used will likely be too deep in your skin for laser therapy to be effective. Even if it didn’t hurt before, getting a stick and poke tattoo can still hurt during the process and afterward. This can cause some people to have an allergic reaction or become uncomfortable with their new design.

The stick and poke method is still popular because it allows people to create unique designs on their own bodies without having to spend money on an artist or visit a professional shop. The easiest way to do this is with a sewing needle, as long as it’s sterilized beforehand. You can also use a sharp object like an ice pick or safety pin instead if you want a more detailed design.

Stick and Poke vs. Other Types of Tattooing

The term “stick and poke” comes from the fact that these tattoos are made with an ink pen and a needle or stick. They are sometimes called “homemade” or “DIY” tattoos because they are not done in a professional tattoo shop with professional equipment. Although there is some debate about what constitutes an actual stick and poke tattoo, this article will focus on how they differ from other tattooing methods.

Stick and Poke 2

A simple stick and poke tattoo can be made by anyone with access to an ink pen and a needle or stick (such as sewing thread). Because these tools are so cheap, they can be used by anyone without spending thousands of dollars on equipment like you would with other types of tattooing methods.

In addition, stick and poke tattoos are less likely to cause infections than other types of tattoos because they are done with sterile needles and ink that has not been used before. This is in contrast to professional tattoo shops, where the same needles and inks are used on multiple people, increasing the risk of infection.

Finally, stick and poke tattoos take less time to heal than other types because the ink is injected into the top layer of skin only. This means that there is less damage to the skin, and the tattoo will heal quicker.


So there you have it! Now you know everything you need about using sewing needles for stick and poke tattoos. Just remember to sterilize your needles before use, use a thin needle for less pain, and go slowly when tattooing. And most importantly, don’t forget that a stick and poke tattoo will take longer to heal than a professional one.