Can You Quilt With a Regular Sewing Machine?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: September 5, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Sewing is a wide world where you can learn different skills, such as quilting. Sewers may not have the money to buy different sewing machines for different types of projects. Most of the time, sewers already have a regular sewing machine. So, if they want to enter the quilting world, they might wonder, ‘can you quilt with a regular sewing machine?’ Well, the answer is here.

Yes! As long as you have the tools and you are eager to learn, there will be no hindrances to using your regular sewing machine for quilting. You can either do straight-line quilting with a walking foot or design any quilt with a free-motion quilting foot.

Regular sewing machines are perfect for doing different sewing projects. In this article, I will discuss everything that you have to know about quilting in a regular sewing machine. I will also talk about the difference between the quilting machine and the sewing machine’s features. Lastly, I will also include some tips and tricks on how you can quilt on a regular sewing machine.

Quilting Using Your Regular Sewing Machine

Sewing machines and quilting machines are almost similar to one another. There are particular features that can be removed or added. However, you may still have the question: can you quilt with a regular sewing machine embedded in your mind? Well, whatever task you will focus on, you can definitely quilt with a regular sewing machine.

When you have the right strength, size, and accessories to get the quilting job done, it will make the work much easier. If you are considering using a regular sewing machine for quilting, you need to consider the size of the project you will be doing.

Aside from that, you may need a bigger throat opening and an extension table. You also need to ensure that the machine is durable enough to handle a quilting job. It should be able to stitch through two fabric layers and batting.

Also, you would need a presser foot to make sure that the job is done right. It is easier to use a regular sewing machine when you are both sewing and quilting. Be sure that your machine has all the requirements such as different foot accessories and buttonhole stitching.

Quilting Machine Vs. Sewing Machines: The 101

There is a very small difference between the two which is why you can easily use a regular sewing machine for your quilting project. However, it is still important to note the difference between the two so that you can have the best result possible for your quilting project.

Quilting Machine Features

The Throat Size

The throat size of a machine is considered to be the length of the needle to the machine itself. You would need a longer throat so that you can get bigger quilts. Use an approximately minimum of the eight-inch throat.

Using this type of throat will increase your workspace and would be great for creating bigger quilts.

The Extension Table

It would be best if you had a machine that comes with an extension table. Remember that when working with quilt projects, it tends to be big. However, this feature is not necessary but will definitely be a huge help with your quilting project.

Regular sewing machines will allow you to remove the extended table when you don’t need it, which is a pretty convenient feature to have.

The Stitches Per Minute

In a quilting machine, the stitches per minute are higher than the ones in a regular sewing machine. This feature is important in quilting since you would need help to get through every project faster. It will also help you get straight stitching.

When the number of stitching is increased, your machine’s durability is also increased. The motor would be a lot stronger and will be capable of pushing through different layers pretty easily.

The Foot Accessories

Now, both machines come with different foot accessories. Quilting machines usually have others that are made for quilting. There are two different feet accessories that you can use, which are free motion and darning foot.

Free motion stitching is great for creating decorative patterns. It will help your fingers from being injured by the needle. This feature is super helpful, especially when you are an accident-prone type of person. It can also help with diluting any puckering on the fabric and minimizing any skipped stitches.

Quarter inch foot also known as a darning foot is usually attached at the top of the quilt. It can help create the perfect quarter-inch space from the edge of the fabric. Using this foot accessory will help to perfect seam allowance for your quilting project.

Sewing Machine

On the other hand, the regular sewing machine’s size is a bit different. It is smaller than a quilting machine and has different feet included. They are also considered to be a ‘travel size’ machine since you can easily move them.

It is no longer than 12 inches long, and it doesn’t have a throat size bigger than four to six inches. The feet that come with a regular sewing machine are a walking foot and a buttonhole foot. These presser feet would assist in applying the correct stitch.

It may also come with a zipper foot that will assist you whenever you want to add a zipper to your sewing project.

Tips on Quilting on a Regular Sewing Machine: Keep These In Mind

There are a couple of tips and tricks that you need to keep in mind whenever you are quilting on a regular sewing machine. It can be tricky, especially for those who are starting out their journey in sewing.

Make sure that you start off with small projects. Don’t be brave and load up to do the biggest quilt possible. Doing this at an early stage can be a bit frustrating, especially when you are working with a regular sewing machine. You can start small and then gradually move up to the next level as time passes.

Take a size realm of about 30 to 50 inches maximum, and make sure you select a project that is ready to go. Select a project where you can start somewhere in the middle and handle a good amount of fabric in each hand.

Before you start, don’t forget to drop your feed dogs which are the little teeth beneath the plate on your sewing machine. You don’t want these to be moving around when you are in the middle of the project.

It can deter the fabric you are working with and will not give you the control you need. If your machine’s feed dogs don’t drop, change the setting to zero, just like what you would do when you are placing a button on a fabric. The purpose of this is that you don’t want the fabric to move.

It is important that you start with a simple design and don’t go all out on your first try, as I’ve mentioned above. If you do this, you may find yourself crossing over lines a lot. You can add a loop somewhere in your project.

For the first couple of days, months, or even years, you can only work with meandering, which is pretty easy and not that difficult to do. Here you can learn how you control the stitch length you would need in your project. You can also learn how you would move the fabric during your quilting project.

If you need guidance, you can easily use safety pins. Be sure that everything is laid flat and smooth. Pin the pattern or design that you wish to do for your quilting project and just follow it along.

Pinning the pattern or design works great. As time passes and you get more practice, you will eventually perfect quilting, and you won’t need safety pins to guide your work. Also, you will be able to see where you will be going eventually.

Lastly, when you are quilting, make sure that you don’t forget the backside of your project. It is pretty important when it comes to your quilting project. The busier you see your project, the fewer mistakes will show.

Now, you will not be happy with your first attempt at quilting, especially when you are using a solid color like black. With this, it can easily show any pucker, skipped stitches, and sharp curves, among others.

Be sure to use different colors; not only will it make your design and pattern look great, but it will also show fewer mistakes that you might have made along the way.

Final Thoughts

Sewers often already have a regular sewing machine handy for them to work on their sewing projects. When you plan to enter the quilting world, there is no need to purchase a quilting sewing machine. You can easily create a beautiful quilting project with your regular sewing machine. With simple adjustments to the features, you can easily get your quilting project done on a standard machine. Happy sewing!