Beginners Guides


Can You Use Sewing Scissors to Cut Hair?

If you sew for a hobby or even for a business, it would be impossible for you not to have sewing scissors. Let’s say you would like to cut your hair by yourself, it may…


Can You Use Sewing Needles for Stick and Poke?

When most people think of tattoos, they think of needles stabbing into someone’s skin repeatedly to create an image. What if you could use a sewing needle instead? Stick and poke tattoos are a growing…


Can You Still Buy Sewing Patterns?

If you’re like most people, your favorite thing to do is sew. However, have you ever been frustrated by the lack of patterns available in stores? Have you ever asked yourself, can you still buy…


Can You Sew Without a Presser Foot?

As you may have known, a presser foot plays a big role in sewing machines. However, with the ever-changing technology that we have today, it’s no surprise that you can finish your sewing project perfectly…


Can You Quilt With a Regular Sewing Machine?

Sewing is a wide world where you can learn different skills, such as quilting. Sewers may not have the money to buy different sewing machines for different types of projects. Most of the time, sewers…


Can Sewing Patterns Be Reused?

Sewing patterns can be expensive if you purchase them often for your sewing projects. That’s why the question of ‘can sewing patterns be reused?’ often comes up in a sewer’s mind. Of course, most of…


Can Sewing Machines Sew Leather?

If you are fond of sewing and want to expand your skills to doing leather projects, you might be wondering, ‘can sewing machines sew leather?’ Of course, you don’t want to spend extra money buying…


How to Make Sewing Machine Belt at Home?

As a tailor or seamstress, your sewing machine is very important to you, and you must ensure all the parts are in good working condition to maximize its use. Now, if your machine belt is…


How to Sew on Velcro Strips With Sewing Machine?

From skipped stitches and damaged machine parts to crooked hems and broken needles, sewing velcro on a sewing machine can be a very frustrating experience. Several sewers find velcro very helpful; many people use it…