Can Sewing Cause Miscarriage?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: September 22, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Being pregnant is one of the greatest joys a woman can feel. It is also important to note that the body will go through different changes when one is pregnant. You should be aware of what is good or bad for your body when you have another human growing inside of you. If you are fond of sewing, you may think to yourself, ‘can sewing cause miscarriage?’. Well, the answer is right here.

No, sewing doesn’t cause miscarriage. However, there are some risks that come with sewing while you’re pregnant. Ensure to always listen to your body. If you have the proper body position, there is less chance of eliminating any possible risks and inconveniences.

Knowing what is right for you when you are pregnant is the key to delivering a beautiful and healthy baby. This article will discuss everything you should know when sewing during your pregnancy. It will also discuss the different effects of pedal sewing, and sewing in particular to pregnant women. Lastly, I will also discuss whether you should avoid sewing altogether or not.

Sewing During Pregnancy: Everything You Should Know

One of the most common questions of pregnant sewers is if it’s safe to sew while pregnant. Well, the simple answer is yes! However, it is not advisable to strain yourself while doing a sewing project. Too much sewing will lead to different risks, and pushing yourself too hard can lead to miscarriage.

pregnant woman sewing

As you may know, sewing can be addicting. Especially when you find it as an outlet to let out any stress, you get from work or regular daily activities. It can be hard to stop, so it is important that you know your limits. This would apply whether you are pregnant or not.

If you are careful enough and aware of what your body can handle, then you won’t experience any side effects. There are some things that you may have heard about sewing while you are pregnant. You can consider these as myths and superstitions.

Some side effects of sewing during the pregnancy period are muscle problems. So you must ensure that you take preventive measures to avoid this completely.

Pedal Sewing: Any Effects on Pregnant Women?

Pedal sewing is possible; one can even sew up until the due date. However, it is important to take the proper common sense precautions. First, you have to make sure that the sewing machine you are using is in good condition.

Be sure to work in a well-lit space so that you can avoid any eye strain. Lastly, make sure that your work environment is free of clutter for your safety.

Always take breaks once in a while so that you can avoid fatigue. If you feel any discomfort, make sure to stop immediately and call your doctor as soon as possible. As mentioned above, always take it slow and ensure that you listen to your body. Never overdo it.

Avoid Using Sewing Machines Altogether for Pregnant Women

Women who are pregnant go through plenty of body changes. It is crucial that you are cautious of the different activities that you do while you are pregnant. Strenuous activities can be bad for the baby.

When it comes to sewing machines, there are no studies linking that it will cause miscarriage. However, it is still best to take proper precautions whenever you are doing your sewing projects.

If you are worried about using sewing machines while pregnant, it is best to avoid it altogether. The actual process of sewing activity can take a toll on the body, especially when working for long hours.

Side Effects: Sewing While Pregnant

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Now, side effects may happen when you are sewing while pregnant. The most common problem is repetitive stress injuries. It can happen whenever you are sewing over and over for a long period of time. If you are a beginner, there’s a chance of getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

However, if you have been sewing for a while now, you no longer have to worry about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from happening.

Repetitive sewing can also affect your back and neck. If this happens, make sure not to ignore the pain, as this is a clear sign of repetitive stress injury. The solution to this is to take a break for about 30 minutes.

Be sure to walk or move around during the 30-minute break. You can also stretch your shoulders, neck, wrists, and back. Even if you take a few minutes of rest, it will help a lot and can prevent repetitive stress injuries from happening.

Poor Posture

Another problem that you would have to face when it comes to sewing while pregnant is poor posture. Now, this can also happen to those who are not pregnant. It can cause serious shoulder as well as back pain which you may already have during pregnancy.

Make sure that you keep your back straight while you are sewing. Remind yourself about a few minutes or so to do that. It will eventually become a good habit that you will always remember to do while sewing.

Your equipment should be positioned properly, which can be another reason for poor posture. Always check whether the sewing table or chair height is appropriate for you.

Eye Strain

Lastly, the side effect that you can experience is eye strain. It can be caused to poor lighting conditions in your work environment. Having said this, it can lead to serious headaches, which you don’t want to happen.

If you have bright fluorescent lighting in your work area, it can prevent eye strain from happening. Make sure you give your eyes a break every 30 minutes. Relax your eyes and look at something far away.

You can also stand by a window as well as let your sight fall naturally. Focus on a certain point at a distance for a while to relax your eyes.

Final Thoughts

If your hobby is sewing, you should not worry about stopping when you get pregnant. There are no studies that say sewing will lead to a miscarriage. All you have to do is take proper precaution and don’t overdo it. Make sure to take proper rest in between while doing your projects so that you can avoid any side effects from happening. Happy sewing!