
Welcome to my sewing blog! My name is Sourav Biswas and I am 28 years old. I am the sole owner of this blog. I started sewing when I was just a little boy, and I have been passionate about it ever since. I truly believe that sewing is an art form, and I strive to create beautiful, unique garments that are both stylish and comfortable to wear.


Why I Sew

There are so many reasons why I sew. I love the creative process of designing and making my own clothes. I’m not a very good painter or drawer, but I can sew a mean dress! Sewing is also a great way to save money. I can make my own clothes for a fraction of the cost of buying them retail.

But the main reason I sew is because it makes me happy. There’s something about the process of creating something with my own two hands that is very satisfying. Sewing is my way of expressing my creativity, and I’m grateful to have found such a beautiful and fulfilling hobby.

How I Got Into Sewing

Sewing has always been a passion of mine. As a child, I would often go to my grandmother’s house and watch her sew. I was fascinated by the way she could transform a piece of fabric into something beautiful. When I was old enough, she taught me how to sew. I will never forget the feeling of accomplishment I had when I completed my first project.

Since then, I have never stopped sewing. I love the creative outlet it provides me. I am always coming up with new ideas for projects. Sewing is a passion that I am grateful to have in my life.

How Sewing Has Helped Me

Sewing has always been a hobby of mine. It’s a way for me to relax and be creative. I never thought it would help me in my day-to-day life, but it has.

Sewing has helped me in so many ways. It’s helped me to be more organized and to think ahead. It’s helped me to be more patient and to pay attention to detail. It’s even helped me to be more confident.

I never would have thought that sewing could help me so much, but it has. I’m so grateful for this hobby and the ways it has helped me in my life.


Why I Started This Blog

I started this sewing blog because I wanted to share my love of sewing with others. I also wanted to create a community of like-minded sewers who could share tips, tricks, and advice. I truly believe that sewing is a lost art that needs to be revived, and I hope that this blog will help to do that.

Sewing is such a rewarding hobby – it’s creative, therapeutic, and can be a great way to save money. I’ve been sewing for over 10 years now, and I’ve never tire of it. I love the challenge of creating new things, and the satisfaction of wearing something that I’ve made myself.

I hope that this blog will inspire others to pick up a needle and thread, and to discover the joy of sewing. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, I hope you’ll find something here to help you in your sewing journey.

Why Trust My Blog

Whether you’re just getting started with sewing or you’re a seasoned pro, you can always use a little help and inspiration. That’s where sewing blogs come in! But with so many blogs out there, it can be hard to know which ones to trust. So why should you trust this sewing blog?


For starters, we only share high-quality, accurate information. Whether we’re sharing a tutorial, pattern review, or just some general sewing advice, you can be sure that it’s coming from a place of knowledge and experience.

We also believe in being honest and transparent. If we don’t love a product or think it’s worth your money, we’ll say so. We’ll also never shy away from sharing our honest opinions on controversial topics.

But perhaps most importantly, we write from the heart. Sewing is our passion, and we pour our heart and soul into this blog. We hope that our passion is evident in every post, and that it inspires you to explore your own creativity.

So if you’re looking for a sewing blog you can trust, look no further. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

Keep in Touch

I love hearing from my readers! You can either use the contact form on my website or email me directly at souravws@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.